Ormiston Bowling and Recreation Club Constitution


1.        Name

1.1      The name of the Club shall be Ormiston Bowling and Recreation Club, hereafter referred to as ‘the Club’.

1.2      The Club shall affiliate to Bowls Scotland

2.        Objectives

2.1      The Club shall hold the following as its aims and objectives and shall strive to fulfil these aims and objectives at all times:

2.1.1   To fulfil the general objectives and functions of a bowls Club and sports Club and by undertaking such activities as may be reasonably necessary and/or incidental to such objectives.

2.1.2   To generally promote the game of lawn bowls for the benefit of members and the local community.

2.1.3   To promote and abide by the Rules of Bowls Scotland

2.1.4   To provide access to lawn bowls for players of all standards in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that does not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex; sexual orientation, political or other opinion.

2.1.5   To provide coaching in bowls to beginners and for improvement for experienced players.

2.1.6   To arrange competitions and matches for members.

2.1.7   To lease and/or purchase land and/or equipment suitable for the purposes and functions of the Club.

3.        Membership

3.1      Any person seeking to join the Club shall submit an application to the Management Committee who has the power to approve or reject any application. 

3.2      Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds that would be prejudicial to the objectives of the club as set out in Rule 2 of this constitution. 

3.3      There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex; sexual orientation, political or other opinion

3.4      The management committee should communicate in writing to any applicants who have been refused membership to the club explaining the reasons for refusal. Refused applicants should also be given the right of appeal as stipulated in the clubs disciplinary procedures. The appeals panel independent to the committee/ individuals making the original decision

3.5      The membership of the Club shall consist of the following Classes of membership.

3.5.1   Adult Full Membership. Age over 25. Eligible to play in any club/county/Bowls Scotland competition.

3.5.2   First Year Membership. Age over 16. Anyone who has never previously been a member. Lasts one full outdoor season.

3.5.3   Social Membership. Members who do not play in leagues.

3.5.4   Junior Membership. Age under 16. Eligible to play in any youth club/county/Bowls Scotland competition.

3.5.5  18 -25’s Membership. Aged 18 – 25 years old. Eligible to play in any club/county/Bowls Scotland competition.

3.6      Members in each category shall pay the relevant membership fees as fixed at each Annual General Meeting.

3.7      All members joining the Club shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution and any Bylaws from time to time adopted by the Club in particular including the requirement to conduct themselves in accordance with any conduct rules, equity policy and disciplinary procedures. All new members will be accepted on an initial trail basis for the first season of joining. The club reserve the right to withdraw membership at any point where member conduct contravenes the constitution.

3.8      Only members in categories 3.5.1 shall have the right to vote on any motion.

3.9      All voting members may be elected and serve on the management committee.

3.10    Annual subscriptions shall be due on or before 31st March each year and must be paid within 14 days after this date. In the event that any member’s annual subscription has not been paid by 21st April each year then membership shall be automatically terminated. Termination shall be intimated to the member in writing by the Secretary. No Member shall be entitled to enter any competition prior to payment of the annual subscription or instalment of any moneys due to the Club.

4.        Suspensions and Termination of Membership

4.1      If the conduct of any member (either in or out of the clubhouse, on the green, or elsewhere) brings the club into disrepute or contravenes the objectives of the club as set out in Rule 2 of this constitution, The management committee has the right to:

4.1.1   Terminate or suspend any membership provided that the member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the full management committee before a final decision is made.

4.1.2   Any reason for refusal or termination must be communicated in writing to the individual and can be appealed to an appeals panel as stipulated in the club’s disciplinary procedures. The appeals panel will be independent to the committee/ individuals making the original decision.

4.2      Any member who fails to pay their fees by the date required shall forfeit their membership rights and shall be suspended from taking part in any event under the control of the club until such fees are paid.

4.3      Any member under suspension shall be barred from taking part in any match or event under the control of the club.

5.        Club Management Structure

5.1      There shall be a Management Committee responsible for the overall management of the Club and shall have the power to make Bylaws. The Management Committee will be elected by the members at the AGM.

5.2   The management committee shall consist of the following officers:

5.2.1   President

5.2.2   Vice President

5.2.3   Secretary

5.2.4   Treasurer

5.2.5   Match Secretary

5.2.6   Trained Wellbeing Protection Officer

5.2.7  Child Protection Officer

5.3   Offices shall be held for the term referenced in the specific role descriptor as agreed by the management committee.

5.4      In addition the management committee, the following sub committees will operate and shall report to the management committee by a representative elected by that sub-committee.

5.4.1   Finance

5.4.2   House/social

5.4.3   Junior

6.        Election of Officers to the management committee

6.1      The members of the management committee shall be drawn from the membership, as defined in clause 3 of this constitution.

6.2      Candidates shall be elected by ballot at the AGM and shall be members of the management committee from the conclusion of that AGM until the conclusion of the following AGM.

6.3      All nominations of candidates for election shall: have the consent of the nominee; be seconded; be received by the secretary at or before the AGM

6.4      Uncontested posts may be filled by nomination(s) and election at the AGM

7.        Responsibilities of Management Committee

7.1      The Management Committee will not have power to purchase, sell, or lease heritable property without specific authority of members at a General Meeting

7.2      Election to any position on the Management Committee cannot be limited by or discriminated on the ground of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex; sexual orientation, political or other opinion.

8.        Annual General Meetings

8.1      The Annual General Meeting shall be held once per calendar year, within 4 months of the end of the financial year and may be attended by ALL members, however, only members who possess the right to vote will be able to vote on club business:

8.1.1   The presentation of the Management Committee Report for the past year.

8.1.2   The election of any office-bearers and/or Ordinary Committee members

8.1.3   Approval of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and any other General Meetings held during that year.

8.1.4   The presentation of the Treasurers annual report for the year

8.1.5   Approval of the audited accounts for the last financial year and appoint any auditors.

8.1.6   Consider and approve any changes to the Constitution.

8.1.7   To approve a figure for total Club borrowing for that year.

8.1.8   Deal with any other relevant business.

8.2      An agenda giving notice of the Annual General Meeting must be circulated along with a copy of the Management Committee report and the treasurers report for the past year at least 14 calendar days in advance.

8.3      The quorum for any Annual General Meeting shall be 6 Club members.

8.4      Voting on any matters other than a change to the constitution shall be by simple majority of Club members present and voting.

8.4.1   Nominations for office-bearers must be received at or before the Annual General Meeting.

8.4.2   Office Bearers of the club must come from the following categories of membership – 3.5.1.

8.4.3   Each nomination shall require one proposer who shall be a voting member of the Club.

8.4.4   Elections shall be conducted on a simple majority of Club members present and voting.

8.4.5   In the event that no person is voted in to a post or in the event of resignation or retiral from a position, the President or Vice President will undertake the duties until such time as the post is filled. Elections to fill such a vacant post should take place at a special general meeting and shall be subject to the same rules as at the Annual General Meeting.

8.4.6   All Club members shall have the right to vote by e-mail if they are unable to be present in person.

8.4.7   Voting emails will be collated by the club secretary and held within the clubs I.T. systems.

8.4.8  Access to all club I.T. systems will be controlled by the club secretary.

8.4.9   In calculating a quorum of an Annual General Meeting, no count can be taken of those Members who have exercised their voting right by email.

9.        Special General Meetings

9.1      A Special General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee or by 8 members of the Club. Any such request must be submitted to the Secretary by written motion, setting out the rationale and basis for the General Meeting being called.

9.2      At least 21 calendar days’ notice of a general meeting must be given to the full Club membership, except in the event of an EGM where the notice shall be a minimum of fourteen days.

9.3      The President or appointed chair, or in their absence a member selected by the meeting, will take the Chair.

9.4      All members shall register with the Secretary prior to the start of the meeting.

9.5      Each voting member outlined in clause 3 of this constitution shall have one vote.

9.6      All votes shall be determined by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may exercise a casting vote.

9.7      The quorum shall be 6 members or 50% of those eligible to vote, whichever is the smaller.

9.8      In the event that there are insufficient numbers of members to form a quorum, the Management Committee shall have the power to call a further Special General Meeting at which 5 shall form a quorum.

9.9      The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and record all proceedings and resolutions.

10.      Finance

10.1    The financial year shall run from 5th April to 4th April.

10.2    All monies shall be lodged in a bank account in the name of the club.

10.3    The income and property of the club, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the objectives of the club as set out in Rule 2, of this constitution. No portion of the income and property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, distribution, bonus. honoraria or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the members.  

10.4    The club shall have the power to raise money by means of yearly affiliation fees and match fees as determined by the Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting.

10.5    The Treasurer shall be responsible for securing the preparation of Annual Accounts of the Club and laying these before the Annual General Meeting.

10.6    The accounts shall be certified by the Club’s independent Auditor as approved at the Annual General Meeting.

10.7    All cheques drawn against the Club’s funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other office-bearer.

10.8    All Committee members of the Club shall be jointly and severally liable for the financial liabilities of the Club.

11.      The Constitution.

11.1    The Constitution shall only be altered by consent of two thirds of voting members present at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting

12.      Dissolution or Winding Up of the Club

12.1    The Club is non-profitmaking and all profits and surpluses will be used to carry out the objectives of the Club.

12.2    No profit or surplus shall be distributed (other than to another non-profit making body on a winding up or dissolution of the Club).

12.3    If upon winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities any property whatsoever this shall be transferred either to any association to which the Club is affiliated or, to some other organisation or organisations having objects similar to the Club. This organisation shall be determined by the members of the Club by resolution passed at a General Meeting. 

13.      Complaints

All complaints must be made in writing to the Secretary and signed by the persons complaining; and none shall be attended to unless this rule is complied with. The Secretary shall submit all such complaints to the Management Committee, who shall take the matter into their consideration and have the power to take act as they consider necessary.


This constitution has been approved in accordance with article 11.1 and represents a true and up to date version of the constitution of Ormiston Bowling and Recreation Club.


Chair – George Inglis

Date – 31/03/2024

Secretary – Scott Armstrong

Date – 31/03/2024